Home > Municipal Support > Emergency Services By-Law
Section 232(1) of the Manitoba Municipal Act provides that a municipal council may pass by-laws for municipal purposes respecting the following matters:
Section 264 of the Act provides that every municipality must provide fire protection services within its boundaries to reduce the danger of fire, which may include education programs, inspections of property, the installation of alarms, instructions on fighting fires, the provision of fire fighting equipment and a fire protection force;
Section 268 of the Act also provides that a fire protection force may, with the approval of the council, provide other services, including the prevention and relief of illness and injury and the preservation of life and property;
The development of effective and current supporting municipal bylaws are an integral step in the development of a successful municipal fire protection strategy. Under the newly formed, Municipal Support section, the Office of the Fire Commissioner has developed a number of samples bylaws related to the operation of an emergency service department, including fire prevention and controlled burning operations.
Generic Fire Prevention & Emergency Services By-Law (.doc File)
Generic Burning By-Law - Non Permit (.pdf file)
Generic Burning By-Law - Permitted (.pfd file)
Generic Permit to Burn (.pfd file)
The Municipal Support section will continue to work closely with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) and municipal officials to develop sample bylaws that municipalities can adopt and amend to meet their respective needs. Municipal Support staff from the OFC are available to work with municipal officials in the development of their respective bylaws.