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Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment

In 2002, the Security Subcommittee of Cabinet authorized the Manitoba Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) and the Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization to conduct a province wide hazard analysis and risk assessment. This information would then be used to establish strategic priorities for improving emergency management and public safety, in addition to creating a valuable resource for public safety practitioners for improving the safety of their community. The intent of this document is to provide a summary of the information found and to form a basis for concentrating emergency planning efforts.

In 2005, The Manitoba OFC dedicated a staff person to undertake this project by conducting detailed onsite visits to communities. These first-hand inspections of potential hazards and available resources were conducted with the participation of public safety officials and municipal administrators from each community. This process took over one full year. It is also important to note that the hazards and issues presented in this report are those seen by municipal officials as being important in their respective jurisdictions. 

In most cases municipalities look to their fire departments as their main first responder agency to any incident occurrence.   As a result, many of the findings within this document focus around the fire service.

Once the pertinent information was gathered, OFC staff calculated the resources needed to effectively manage the hazards of the community and the capabilities of the existing resources and determined what gaps, if any, existed. This information was then shared with local first responders, emergency managers and elected officials. This assessment has proven to be an invaluable resource for the strategic and emergency planning conducted by various municipal, regional, and provincial entities in the Province of Manitoba.

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Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment (PDF File)

Fire Protection Survey Overview (PDF File)