K-9 Evaluators Course
16 Hours

Prerequisite: None.

Course Description: This course is designed to give some standardization to your K-9 evaluations. It covers the history of and the current industry standards being used in K-9 certifications.
The Course is designed for Police, Detector, and Search and Rescue dog programs. The course will give candidates both theory and practical evaluation experience.
The Course will cover:

The course is designed to meet the needs of the Canadian Urban Search and Rescue Disaster Search Canine Certification Guidelines. This course is open to members of any government run canine program.

Certification: Students will be issued a certificate upon successful completion. Full attendance is mandatory for completion.

Materials: None

Cost: $300.00(certified cheque or money order payable to the Minister of Finance)

Course Numbers: Minimum:    4                   Maximum:    10

Course Dates & Location: TBA